Sunday 1 December 2013

Learn By Heart - Angles

The latest Learn By Heart maths task is all about angles. We covered angles for a week earlier in the term so this revision exercise is perfect to keep those skills ticking over.

You'll need to be able to do the following;

  • Measure angles with a protractor
  • Calculate missing angles using your addition and subtraction skills
  • Know about the 4 different types of angles
  • Look at a mystery angle and be able to say what type of angle it is
  • Know that triangles all add up to 180 degrees on the inside
  • Know that 4 sided shapes always add up to 360 degrees on the inside
  • Draw angles of exact sizes using a protractor.

There are a fair few skills there but we've covered tem all before and if you find 10 minutes a day for the 3 weeks of the topic that's over 3 hours of practice. There are no short cuts i'm afraid, but the sense of achievement is priceless when we nail these tasks!

If you're looking for some help then try these sites...

Children in Need - from Big Write to persuasive speeches!

To celebrate and raise awareness of Children In Need, Year 6 decided to take their Big Writes to a whole new level. I can’t begin to describe how pleased and proud I was as a teacher of the effort every single person made with out speeches.

It worked like this…

  • We researched using our ICT time all about Children in Need in a great deal of detail; we discovered who they are, who they help, how they help, the history and the numbers involved (Children in Need have raised over £600,000,000 so far and long may it continue)
  • We then studied the features of speech writing and looked at openings, engagement with an audience, closings, mixing in humour with key facts and details and we paid extra attention to using emotive language to persuade people to donate.
  • We wrote the speeches as Big Write projects but we did it on a Thursday.
  • We delivered the speeches to a live audience on Children in Need day and the quality of both the written and oral speeches was spectacular!

If you want to donate to Children in Need you still can, try this link…

Davey's speech was maybe his best ever Big Write, Chloe's certainly was!

Ela just preparing her notes for her turn as Alyssa takes to the floor!

An audience gripped - Josh was the master of the spoken word!

Year 6 PE - this time it's basketball...

Our latest PE topic is basketball and I have been blown away by how much the class have taken on board so far. We started with the basics of dribbling with a ball (bouncing it, not actually dribbling on it) and we have progressed very well to moving at speed, shooting and passing, as well as losing our markers and putting ourselves into space (the hardest skill of all). Here’s how we have done so far – could there be any future NBA stars in the class? Who knows…

Philosophy 4 Children - it's about to take off!

Philosophy 4 Children has been around for a little while now and at Fieldhead Carr it’s about to exploded onto the scene. Year 6 have taken the opportunity to be the first group to try it officially this year and it works in the following way…

Pick a theme
Ask some questions and make some comments
Choose the best question idea to debate
Chat away!

There are no right or wrong answers, all we ask is that we listen respectfully, react to the last person’s comments and explain clearly why you have a particular opinion. Speaking and Listening has never been so relaxed or fascinating!

If you want to explore this wonderful speaking and listening activity for yourselves then visit the website below - this lesson is the best kept secret in Leeds and believe me, in a year's time it will be MASSIVE...

Decoration morning!

This Friday we did not do a Big Write... because we got it out of the way on Wednesday!

This left Friday morning free to indulge in a bit of creativity and what better way to let our hair down than to get incolved in some Christmas decoration making...

Bailey's pantomime alter ego had not made a public appearance yet... which is probably for the best! I don't think Mr Edensor knew what had hit him!

Hard at work making Christmas dinner place cards

Alex displaying his trademark artistic flair and design sharpness and Josh getting his layered tree stuck together.

Completed Roman gladiator arenas!

Well it has taken us four weeks of meticulous preparation, design, cutting things, ripping bits and transforming Coco Pops boxes and other household junk into the most brutal, scariest, most realistic DT projects Year 6 has ever seen!

Have a look at our final models - I'm sure you will agree they are FAN...TAS...TIC!

Look at the detail in the crowds inside the arena!

Ela is the first to go in there and see if the lions are hungry...

They're playing it cool but this group were made up with their final model

I think Tom is about to push Mia in!

Brilliant team effort right from the start