Sunday 1 December 2013

Learn By Heart - Angles

The latest Learn By Heart maths task is all about angles. We covered angles for a week earlier in the term so this revision exercise is perfect to keep those skills ticking over.

You'll need to be able to do the following;

  • Measure angles with a protractor
  • Calculate missing angles using your addition and subtraction skills
  • Know about the 4 different types of angles
  • Look at a mystery angle and be able to say what type of angle it is
  • Know that triangles all add up to 180 degrees on the inside
  • Know that 4 sided shapes always add up to 360 degrees on the inside
  • Draw angles of exact sizes using a protractor.

There are a fair few skills there but we've covered tem all before and if you find 10 minutes a day for the 3 weeks of the topic that's over 3 hours of practice. There are no short cuts i'm afraid, but the sense of achievement is priceless when we nail these tasks!

If you're looking for some help then try these sites...

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