Sunday 15 June 2014

Dates for your diary - Important events for June.

Thursday June 19th and Wednesday 25th / Thursday 26th - S.R.E. workshops

  • Best behaviour please!
  • The workshops will last around an hour and will be delivered by Mr Riley for the boys and Miss Kitchen and Miss Duplex for the girls.
  • Girls and boys will have the workshops in different classrooms.

Friday June 27th - Lightwater Valley trip.

  • Bring a packed lunch.
  • Wear your uniform please.
  • Inhalers and other medicines must be brought in.
  • No ipads or other expensive, breakable items.
  • We leave at 09:00 and will be back at school at 15:00.
  • If it's hot on the day please bring sun cream.

Monday June 30th - Sports Day.

  • Please be at school by 08:50 sharp.
  • Come in your PE kit, you can wear it all day.
  • Please wear your house colours!
  • Bring a water bottle.
  • We will start our first event at 09:15 and will finish around 11:45 on the field.
  • Plenty of cheering for everybody, regardless of their event or house.

Monday June 30th - Year 6 Prom.

  • We will start at 18:00 and finish around 19:30.
  • Don't have any tea as there is a massive, massive buffet if Mr Riley doesn't eat it all.
  • Dress nicely - gentlemen don't forget your finest evening clothes!
  • Tickets are £8, please pay at the office.

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