Saturday 9 November 2013

Roman Adventure Stories!

The first glimpse you'll see from the great authors of tomorrow - enjoy it.

We have worked incredibly hard in Year 6 this year with our writing and the end result for the first half term was our magnificant Roman books.

The creative curriculum topic really proved useful this half term as we spent four weeks creating epic adventure narrative by following this list of steps...

  1. Create character biographies.
  2. Create a detailed story plan, or 'synopsis'.
  3. Create a prologue to draw our readers in.
  4. Write chapter 1 - a whole 'Big Write' in itself!
  5. Write chapter 2; the problem.
  6. Write chapter 3; the development.
  7. Write chapter 4; the solution.
  8. Write our 'epilogue' chapters which take place AFTER the end of the story.
  9. Back page 'blurb' to entice our audience.
  10. Illustrations - such a hard task...
  11. Front page decoration.
  12. Paired proof reading and peer assessment - essential!
So as you see, this was a little more than merely 'writing a story' - we wrote BOOKS and every last member of Year 6 should feel very proud of the achievements, your parents and carers certainly were!

Editing the final drafts before sticking everything together...

It's a hard life isn't it, girls!

Proof reading and peer marking allowed us to correct our own work as well as offering our friends some helpful editorial advice.

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