Saturday 9 November 2013

Science Topic 2 - How we see things!

This half term we will be looking at how we see things in a variety of ways. Our first lesson looked at how light reflects off objects and enters our eyes and that is how we are actually able to see the images in our brains. Did you know…

  • Light travels in straight lines.
  • Light bounces off things and into our eyes.
  • Light travels faster than anything in the universe.
  • Our eyes see things upside down and the brain turns the image the right way up again.
  • The eye is attached to the brain by the ‘optic nerve’ which carries information to our brain and allows us to recognise what we have seen.
  • Light reflects off objects and into our eyes at the exact same angle it approaches objects from a light source (such as the sun or a torch). These are called angles of incidence and angles of reflection.

Our class took onboard some very heavy scientific information and worked brilliantly together to discuss some very complicated new learning. We finished our lesson by examining for ourselves how light rays approach objects and are reflected from them into the eye. More to follow…

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